HSI closes at 19230, down 1.89% X
22/11/2024 16:15
HSI closes at 19230,  down 1.89%

               Count   Percent  Avg Change    Turnover(M)    % Market
Mainboard Performance
Rise             425    10.11%      +3.36%     23355.977       14.78%
Fall            1489    35.43%      -3.51%    118536.642       75.03%
Other           2289    54.46%                  1124.038        0.71%

Total           4203   100.00%      -0.90%    143016.657       90.53%
Mainboard Warrants
Call            4241    79.67%     -10.83%      4425.776        2.80%
Put             1082    20.33%      +6.60%      1890.876        1.20%
Inline             0     0.00%      +0.00%         0.000        0.00%

Total           5323   100.00%      -7.29%      6316.653        4.00%
Mainboard CBBCs
Bull            2699    61.48%     -14.83%      5659.488        3.58%
Bear            1691    38.52%     +15.51%      2990.596        1.89%

Total           4390   100.00%      -3.15%      8650.084        5.48%
HSI Constituents
Rise               6     7.32%      +2.11%     11292.022        7.15%
Fall              75    91.46%      -2.49%     65478.005       41.45%
Other              1     1.22%                   293.085        0.19%

Total             82   100.00%      -2.12%     77063.112       48.78%

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