紛美包裝(00468)主席畢樺擬夥私募提反收購 X
23/11/2024 14:26
<匯港通訊>  紛美包裝(00468)行政總裁兼董事會主席畢樺據報與內地私募基金鋆昊資本(Cloudview Capital)商談合作,對紛美提出反收購,意味著一場收購戰可能出現。

《彭博》引述知情人士稱,畢樺等人正尋求從銀行獲得債務融資以進行交易,潛在報價或較競爭對手山東新巨豐的現有報價高出至少10%。 (BC)

#紛美包裝 (BC)

Infocast Limited and its information providers endeavour to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided, but do not guarantee its accuracy and reliability and accept no liability (whether in tort or contract or otherwise) for any loss or damage arising from any inaccuracies or omissions.